Lapland, located in the northern reaches of Finland, Sweden, and Norway, is one of the best places on earth to witness the aurora borealis. While auroras often require careful planning and luck, they can appear unexpectedly on clear nights, even when the forecast is low. Visit the Nordics offers expert advice on how to maximize your chances, from choosing the right season (September to April) to finding the perfect remote locations far from city lights.
Pair your Northern Lights hunt with other Lapland adventures, such as reindeer sledding, snowshoeing, or staying in a glass igloo for an unmatched view of the Arctic sky. Whether you’re caught off-guard by the auroras during a husky safari or stepping out of your cozy cabin, these unplanned encounters are the highlight of any trip.
Let Visit the Nordics guide you to the best accommodations, tours, and local insights for a sustainable and unforgettable journey. Start planning today at
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Pic by Cristoph Nolte